warna dark plum 🎭 Dark Plum color hex code is 3D1A39 ColorNamecom
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warna dark plum - Dark Plum color hex code is 3D1A39 ColorNamecom
warna dark plum - Warna titik juga dapat digunakan dalam flash sale nokia proyek cetak penuh warna ketika kecocokan warna sangat penting Kisaran plus nuansa meliputi Plum Pantone Solid Coated 7656 C Pale Plum Pantone Solid Coated 7661 C Medium Plum Pantone Solid Coated 682 C Dusty Plum Pantone Solid Coated 5125 C Dark Plum Pantone Solid Coated 690 C Plum Purple Color ArtyClick Meaning of plum In business the color plum represents a business deal that is profitable a plum contract A plum job is a job that one is assigned to that has a high salary or the job may be a sinecure with good pay but not much work to do Thus the color plum represents prosperity As such plum is commonly used in fashion particularly formal dresses to make a brave statement The following are common types of plum color Twilight Plum 1f146a Black Plum 3c2738 Royal Plum 2 3e1a3d rgb 11642116 692669 rgb 10538105 Plum hex color code for HTML including the css name hex rgb hsl values and similar lighter darker color codes Plum color Wikipedia Plum Color Codes and Facts HTML Color Codes Plum color Simple English Wikipedia the free encyclopedia Triadic Palette Triadic color harmony is a color scheme that uses three colors that are evenly spaced around the color wheel For Plum 5a315d the two colors that form a triadic color scheme are Reptile Revenge 5d5a31 and Lacrosse 315d5a To create a triadic color scheme you can either choose three colors that are evenly spaced on the color wheel or you can choose two colors and Plum dda0dd Kode Warna Hex Warna plum dengan kode warna heksadesimal dda0dd adalah cahaya sedang bayangan dari magenta Dalam model warna RGB dda0dd terdiri dari 8667 merah 6275 hijau dan 8667 biru Di ruang warna HSL dda0dd memiliki hue 300 derajat 47 saturasi dan 75 penerangan Warna ini memiliki panjang gelombang sekitar Plum 8e4585 Hex Color Code RGB and Paints Encycolorpedia About Plum Color meaning codes similar colors and paints colorxscom Dark Plum color hex code is 3D1A39 ColorNamecom 28 Types of Plum Color Simplicable Underripe black plums on a plum tree Plum is a purple color with a brownishgray tinge like that shown on the right or a reddish purple which is a close representation of the average color of the plum fruit As a quaternary color on the RYB color wheel plum is an equal mix of the tertiary colors russet and slate 2 3The first recorded use of plum as a color name in English was in 1805 Apa Warna Plum dan Apa Simbolnya EYEWATEDCOM 50 Shades of Burgundy Color Names HEX RGB CMYK Codes It can be very dark or quite bright earthy or superglam Plum looks luscious with olive green chartreuse marigold yellow dark beige and gray Yellow ocher and metallic gold too It can have an oldworld feel perfect for a traditional dining room with period trim or a bright modern feel depending on how it is used and what shade Dark Plum The Official Register of Color Names 15 Colors That Go Perfectly With Plum Hunker Plum Purple Color Codes The Hex RGB and CMYK Values That You Need Plum and pink fall next to each other on the color wheel making them a strong pairing When light pink is paired with dark plum as in this dining room by Hausmatter Interiors the colors create harmonious contrast without one overtaking the other Using plum in a room with plenty of natural light is one way to avoid the moody cavelike feel dark colors can sometimes evoke Plum Color Code is 5a315d Plum Purple is a medium dark medium bright shade of Magenta It belongs to the Dark Pastel Magenta color family and it has medium lightness and medium saturation Plum Purple is a cool color Plum Purple 583759 Shades of Plum Purple 583759 4E314F 442B45 3A243B 301E31 271827 1D121D 130C13 090609 000000 Find more 8e4585 Color Hex Plum Dark Plum Lipstick Sephora The RGB Values and Percentages for Plum Purple Each system has a different value or percentage of colors that make up every color in the graphic design spectrum and the same can be said for plum purple In the RGB red green blue system the plum purple color percentage is comprised of plum purple in the RGB system is 15680182 Plum color belongs to the Purple color family hue The hexadecimal color code color number for Plum is DDA0DD and the RGB color code is RGB 221 160 221 In the RGB predator laptop color model Plum has a red value of 221 a green value of 160 and a blue value of 221 The CMYK color model also known as process color used in color printing In this case the lack of the ink will result white paper and we get a dark shade if more colors are mixed together We can also define a color by hue saturation and value HSV The hexadecimal RGB code of Plum color is 8E4585 and the decimal is rgb 14269133 The redgreenblue components are 8E 142 red 45 69 green and 85 133 blue Plum Plum combines the delightful vibrancy of fuchsia with darker shades like magenta and purple in order to create a brand new palette This beautiful mix creates something unique as well as versatile Plum HEX DDA0DD RGB 221 160 221 RGB percentage 87 63 87 CMYK 0 28 0 13 HSL 300 47 75 Raspberry Color Palettes Related Colors 8e4585 color RGB value is 14269133 8e4585 color name is Plum color 8e4585 hex color red value is 142 green value is 69 and the blue value of its RGB is 133 Cylindricalcoordinate representations also known as HSL of color 8e4585 hue 085 saturation 035 and the lightness value of 8e4585 is 041 Plum Color HEX DDA0DD HTML Color Codes Plum is also commonly used for a more reddishpurple shade that resembles the ripe fruit in the genus Prunus Plum is a purplishbrown color with the hex code 673147 a quaternary color made from equal parts russet and slate in the RGB color model Plum is also commonly used for a more reddishpurple shade that resembles the ripe fruit in the 50 Shades of Fuchsia Color Names HEX RGB CMYK Codes Plums can be various colors including deep purple red yellow and green The specific color depends on the type of plum its ripeness and growing conditions While most plums are known for their purple or red hues certain varieties may be yellow when ripe and unripe plums can appear green The color of a plum is a combination of these Dark Maroon is a dark muted redbrown shade of maroon It has less vibrancy than light or bright shades but still brings warmth and coziness to any space Dark Maroon HEX 510400 RGB 81 4 0 RGB percentage 32 2 0 CMYK 0 95 100 68 HSL 3 100 16 Dark Plum Dark Plum is a deep rich purplebrown color HEX 3F012C color name is Dark Plum HEX color code 3F012C represent the color in hexadecimal format by combining three values the amounts of Red Green and Blue RGB The RGB values of this color are 63 1 44 rgb 63 1 44 That means 3F012C color is composed of 247 of Red 04 Green and 173 Blue 140 Shades of Purple Color Names Hex RGB CMYK Codes Color Guide How to Work With Plum Houzz What Color Is A Plum The Diverse Colors Of Plums Explored Plum dda0dd Hex Kode Warna Skema dan Cat Encycolorpedia The color plum with hexadecimal color code 8e4585 is a shade of magenta In the RGB color model 8e4585 is composed of 5569 red 2706 green and 5216 blue In the HSL color space 8e4585 has a hue of 307 degrees 35 saturation and 41 lightness This color has an approximate wavelength of 54099 nm Buy paint matching this color Dark Plum has the hex code 3D1A39 The equivalent RGB values are 61 26 57 which means it is composed of 42 red 18 green and 40 blue The CMYK color codes used in printers are C0 M57 Y7 K76 In the HSVHSB scale Dark Plum has a hue of 307 57 saturation and a brightness value of 24 Details of other color codes including Bobbi Brown Luxe Lipstick Size 013 oz 38 g ITEM 2595767 Color Hibiscus plum wine 266 Reviews 4300 Buy Now Fav Lipstick I have pink buff neutral rose downtown plum and soft berry each one is fantasticThis is a perfect match to my natural lip color It is not dark plum or that deep Plum RGB Color Code 8E4585 Plum A pale purple color made using light reddishpurple Much paler than the color of the plum fruit the color officially recognized as plum is also brightly vivid Dark Violet This is a deep dark purple that remains slightly vibrant thanks to the violet tones present Dark Violet Hex 9400D3 RGB 148 0 211 CMYK air pure 30 100 0 17
t 40
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